Brand Details
MAGRABAR® antifoams, defoamers, and release agents have been developed for a wide range of applications in the food industry to control foam in food processing and to improve yield, pumping, mixing, plant hygiene and product quality. MAGRABAR® offers both liquid and powder products in a range of materials and concentrations, including options suitable for organic, non-GMO, and identity-preserved processing. Our organic products are certified by QAI. All MAGRABAR® products are Kosher and Halal certified.
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EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® SILICONE 10-SN is a food grade emulsion antifoam containing 10% dimethylpolysiloxane. MAGRABAR® 10-SN may be used in food processing as well as in Clean In Place (CIP) applications and effluent treatment. MAGRABAR® 10-SN contains dimethylpolysiloxane, silicon dioxide, and emulsifiers and preservatives as allowed by the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. This regulation limits the amount of dimethylpolysiloxane to 10 ppm in most foods in their ready to cosume state. Please see the regulation for details and exceptions. 100 ppm of MAGRABAR® 10-SN contains 10 ppm of dimethylpolysiloxane.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® SILICONE 20-SN is a food grade emulsion antifoam containing 20% dimethylpolysiloxane and hydrophobic silica. It may be used in food processing as well as in Clean In Place (CIP) applications and effluent treatment. MAGRABAR® 20-SN contains dimethylpolysiloxane, silicon dioxide, emulsifiers and preservatives as allowed by the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. This regulation limits the amount of dimethylpolysiloxane to 10 ppm in most foods in their ready to consume state. Please see the regulation for details and exceptions. 50 ppm of MAGRABAR® 20-SN contains 10 ppm of dimethylpolysiloxane and silicon dioxide.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® 2010 is a 100% active, vegetable oil based, food grade liquid defoamer. MAGRABAR® 2010 is designed to be effective in carbohydrate and protein process streams. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® 2010 will vary with the application. MAGRABAR® 2010 is formulated with identity preserved non-GMO vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers, and silicon dioxide. MAGRABAR® products do not contain any ingredients required to be labeled under the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act or defined as substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in Annex II of EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers or defined as a food allergen under B.01.010.1(1) of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. Refer to the Allergen Statement. MAGRABAR® 2010 is certified Kosher Pareve and free from animal derived ingredients. MAGRABAR® 2010 does not contain soy or polydimethylsiloxane.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® Silicone 30-SN is a food grade 30% silicone emulsion antifoam. MAGRABAR® 30SN may be used in food processing as well as in Clean In Place (CIP) applications and effluent treatment. MAGRABAR® 30-SN contains dimethylspolysiloxane, silicon dioxide, emulsifiers and preservatives as allowed by the United States Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. This regulation limits the amount of dimethylpolysiloxane to 10 ppm in most foods in their ready to consume state. Please see the regulation for details and exceptions. 33 ppm of MAGRABAR® 30-SN contains 10 ppm of dimethylpolysiloxane.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® 3001 is a highly effective defoamer/antifoam certified as Made with Organic by QAI. It is effective in carbohydrate and protein process streams. It is particularly well suited for defoaming soy derived products such as soy milk and tofu. Vegetable washing, potato processing and dairy processes such as manufacturing yogurt and cheese are all suitable uses for MAGRABAR® 3001. The recommended starting dosage is 50 to 100 ppm in the foaming media which can be adjusted as necessary to achieve maximum efficiency. MAGRABAR® 3001 is formulated with certified organic wax, certified organic vegetable oil, emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. The ingredients used in MAGRABAR® 3001 are derived from non-genetically modified crops. It is also formulated to be allergen-free under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® 3202 is a defoamer/antifoam certified as Made with Organic by QAI suitable for use in organic food processing. The recommended starting dosage is 100 ppm in the foaming media which can be adjusted as necessary to achieve maximum efficiency. MAGRABAR® 3202 is formulated with certified organic vegetable oil, silicon dioxide, and vegetable derived mixed tocopherols. The ingredients used in MAGRABAR® 3202 are derived from non-genetically modified crops. It is also formulated to be allergen-free under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® 3303 is a defoamer/antifoam certified as Made with Organic Soybean Oil by QAI. It is effective in carbohydrate and protein process streams and it is particularly well suited for defoaming dairy and soy derived products. The recommended starting dosage is 50 to 100 ppm in the foaming media which can be adjusted as necessary to achieve maximum efficiency. MAGRABAR® 3303 is formulated with certified organic wax, certified organic vegetable oil and silicon dioxide. The ingredients used in MAGRABAR® 3303 are derived from non-genetically modified crops. It is also formulated to be allergen-free under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® 4000 is a highly effective antifoam formulated using 95% certified organic ingredients. It is particularly well suited for defoaming carbohydrate and protein process streams including soy derived products such as soy milk and tofu. Vegetable washing, potato processing and dairy processes such as manufacturing yogurt and cheese are all suitable uses for MAGRABAR® 4000. MAGRABAR® 4000 is certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (US-ORG-050). Compliance: US NOP, US/Canada Equivalency, US/EU Equivalency. EU organic import and EU distribution certified by control body DE-ÖKO-003.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® 4010 is a highly effective antifoam formulated using 95% certified organic ingredients. It is particularly well suited for defoaming carbohydrate and protein process streams including soy derived products such as soy milk and tofu. Vegetable washing, potato processing and dairy processes such as manufacturing yogurt and cheese are all suitable uses for MAGRABAR® 4010. MAGRABAR® 4010 is certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (US-ORG-050). Compliance: US NOP, US/Canada Equivalency, US/EU Equivalency. EU organic import and EU distribution certified by control body DE-ÖKO-003.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® 4020 is an effective antifoam formulated using > 95% certified organic ingredients. It is effective across a range of organic processing including for defoaming carbohydrate and protein process streams including soymilk and tofu. Vegetable washing, potato processing and dairy processes such as manufacturing yogurt and cheese are also suitable uses for MAGRABAR® 4020. MAGRABAR® 4020 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal. MAGRABAR® 4020 is formulated with certified organic vegetable oil and certified organic emulsifiers. The ingredients used in MAGRABAR® 4020 are derived from non-genetically modified crops. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® 4020 are either GRAS or are listed in the US Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. MAGRABAR® 4020 may be appropriately used as a food processing aid in the EU, as defined in Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008. MAGRABAR® 4020 consists of ingredients that have an E number or are considered a food and as such may be appropriately used as a food additive in the EU, subject to certain use limitations of select components; refer to the EU statement. Additional national regulations may apply.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® 4035 is a liquid antifoam formulated from 95% certified organic ingredients that is highly effective at controlling foam. This includes protein and carbohydrate rich applications such as vegetable and dairy processing, broths, soups and RTD beverages. MAGRABAR® 4035 is non-GMO, certified organic, kosher, halal, free from animal derived ingredients and does not contain soy, polydimethylsiloxane, palm oil or palm oil derived ingredients. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® 4035 are either GRAS or listed in the US Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. MAGRABAR® 4035 consists of ingredients that have an E number or are considered a food. As such it may be appropriately used as a food processing aid or food additive in the EU, subject to certain use limitations of select components as defined in Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008. Please refer to the EU statement.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® 544 is a vegetable oil emulsion defoamer. MAGRABAR® 544 acts quickly to knock down foam and should be fed directly to the foaming medium. MAGRABAR® 544 is formulated with non-GMO vegetable oil, hydrophobic silica, and food grade emulsifiers and preservatives. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® 544 are either GRAS or listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340 and may be safely used in food. MAGRABAR® 544 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal, free from animal derived ingredients, and allergen free.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® IP-3500 is a 100% active, vegetable oil based, food grade defoamer that is derived from Identity Preserved (IP) non-GMO vegetable sources. It is non-ionic and free of preservatives. MAGRABAR® IP-3500 is designed to eliminate foam in protein and carbohydrate media. It is suitable for use in soybean, potato, dairy and other food processing applications. MAGRABAR® IP-3500 contains identity preserved non-GMO vegetable oil and vegetable oil based emulsifiers and hydrophobic silica. All of the ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® IP3500 are either GRAS or are listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. It is suitable for addition to food with no limitations other than Good Manufacturing Practices. MAGRABAR® IP-3500 will effectively control foam in soy and other protein based processes. It performs in a wide range of pH and has excellent foam hold down properties and carry through to downstream processes.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® IP-661 is a 100% active, nonionic, food grade defoamer that is derived from Identity Preserved (IP) non-GMO vegetable sources. MAGRABAR® IP-661 is designed to eliminate foam in non-GMO food processing including protein and carbohydrate process streams. It performs well in a wide range of ph and temperatures. MAGRABAR® IP-661 exhibits excellent foam hold down properties and carry through to downsteam processes. MAGRABAR® IP-661 contains hydrophobic silica, IP vegetable oil and emulsifiers derived from nonGMO vegetable based sources. It is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® IP-661 are either GRAS or listed in the Code of Federal Regulations; Title 21, Section 173.340. MAGRABAR® IP-661 may be used at level up to 1000 ppm in most food products based on the limitation for dimethylpolysiloxane in ready to eat foods. Please see the regulation for further information. MAGRABAR® IP-661 is very effective in protein processing and isolation, vegetable washing and processing, and in dairy products such as yogurt, whey, cheese and other milk derived products. MAGRABAR® IP-661 is also an effective fermentation defoamer.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® J-305 is a food grade ester with unique surface-active properties. It is used in a variety of food and cosmetic formulations as an emulsifier, wetting agent and antifoam/air release agent. This unique proprietary ester is used as an antifoam in the cooking of sugar syrups, an antifoam and de-aerating agent in the cooking and filling of jams and jellies and as an emulsifier for cooking oils, ice cream, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other oil-in-water emulsions. The recommended starting dosage is 50-100 ppm which can be adjusted as necessary based on the particular product and process. The components of MAGRABAR® J-305 are listed as GRAS under 21 CFR 184.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® J-305 IP is a food grade ester with unique surface-active properties derived from Identity Preserved (IP) non-GMO vegetable sources. It is used in a variety of food and cosmetic formulations as an emulsifier, wetting agent and antifoam/air release agent. This unique proprietary ester is used as an antifoam in the cooking of sugar syrups, an antifoam and de-aerating agent in the cooking and filling of jams and jellies and as an emulsifier for cooking oils, ice cream, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other oil-inwater emulsions. The components of MAGRABAR® J-305 IP are listed as GRAS under 21 CFR 184.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG is a food grade, dry antifoam for use in powdered products that foam when reconstituted. This product contains 20% dimethylpolysiloxane granulated with an edible powder. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG can be readily formulated into dry mixtures which will eliminate foaming when the mixture is reconstituted by the consumer or end-user. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340. Dimethylpolysiloxane is limited to 10 ppm in food in its ready to eat state for most nonstandardized foods under this regulation. 50 ppm of MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG contains slightly less than 10 ppm of dimethylpolysiloxane. Please refer to the Code of Federal Regulations for details on any limitations. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S FG is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® MD-20-S IP is an Identity Preserved non-GM0, food grade, dry antifoam. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S IP contains 20% dimethylpolysiloxane granulated with an edible powder. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S IP can be readily formulated into dry mixtures which will eliminate foaming when the mixture is reconstituted by the consumer or end-user. MAGRABAR® MD-20-S IP complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340. Dimethylpolysiloxane is limited to 10 ppm in food in its ready to eat state for most non-standardized foods under this regulation. 50 ppm of MAGRABAR® MD-20-S IP contains slightly less than 10 ppm of dimethylpolysiloxane. Please refer to the Code of Federal Regulations for details on any limitations.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is a dry antifoam effective in carbohydrate and protein process streams and can be blended into other dry powders to provide antifoaming action during reconstitution or used to prevent boil-over in microwave cooked foods. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3000 will vary with the application. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is formulated with organic maltodextrin, organic vegetable oil and organic wax along with organic emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. The product is certified by QAI to meet the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and has US/Canada and US/EU Equivalency. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is nonGMO Project Verified. MAGRABAR® products do not contain any ingredients required to be labeled under the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act or defined as substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in Annex Il of EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers or defined as a food allergen under B.01.010.1(1) of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. Refer to the Allergen Statement. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal and is free from animal derived ingredients. MAGRABAR® MD-3000 is certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (US-ORG-050). Compliance: US NOP, US/Canada Equivalency, US/EU Equivalency. EU organic import and EU distribution certified by control body DE-ÖKO-003.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® MD-3500 is a food grade, dry antifoam for use in powdered drink mixes, instant noodles and other dry products. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 can be readily formulated into dry mixtures eliminating foaming during reconstitution with water or during cooking by the consumer or other end-user. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3500 will vary with the application. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 is formulated with maltodextrin, vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. It complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340, Defaming agents.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP is an identity preserved (IP), food grade, dry antifoam for use in powdered drink mixes, instant noodles and other dry products. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP can be readily formulated into dry mixtures eliminating foaming during reconstitution with water or during cooking by the consumer or other end-user. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP will vary with the application. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP is formulated with identity preserved (IP) maltodextrin, vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers and silicon dioxide. It complies with the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340, Defoaming agents. MAGRABAR® MD-3500 IP is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal, free from animal derived ingredients and does not contain soy or polydimethylsiloxane.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® MD-4925 is a dry antifoam suitable for clear whey protein isolate applications. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 is water soluble and does not add turbidity to protein beverages while providing effective and fast foam knockdown. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 enables products to be ready to consume in seconds, providing a better user experience. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 is formulated with identity preserved non-GMO vegetable oil, food grade emulsifiers and silicon dioxide on an identity preserved non-GMO maltodextrin carrier. There is no practical limitation on its use other than good manufacturing practices. The recommended starting dosage for MAGRABAR® MD-4925 will vary with the application. MAGRABAR® products do not contain any ingredients required to be labeled under the U.S. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act or defined as substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in Annex lI of EU 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers or defined as a food allergen under B.01.010.1(1) of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. Refer to the Allergen Statement. MAGRABAR® MD-4925 may be suitably used as a food additive, is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal, free from animal derived ingredients and does not contain soy or polydimethylsiloxane.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® MD-4965 is a dry powder antifoam that is highly effective at controlling foam in protein and carbohydrate applications. It was developed to be blended into other dry powders to provide foam control during reconstitution of protein beverages. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® MD-4965 are either GRAS or listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340 – Defoaming Agents. Contact your local MÜNZING representative for additional food safety and regulatory information for the desired country or region.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® PD-1414 is a polyol-based formulation designed to eliminate foam in a wide range of ph and temperature conditions and is well suited for fermentation applications. MAGRABAR® PD-1414 complies with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 sections 173.340 for use in beet sugar and yeast, 176.170, 176.180, 176.200, and 176.210 for use in paper and paperboard. It is Kosher and Pareve. MAGRABAR® PD-1414 is effective in fermentations that produce edible gums, enzymes, alcohol, monosodium glutamate and citric acid. MAGRABAR® PD-1414 can be added to caustic wash solutions used in a variety of cleaning applications. A starting dose rate of 100 ppm should be adjusted by trial to find the optimum dosing rate. For maximum efficiency, this antifoam should not be diluted prior to use.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® PD-3500 is a 100% active, vegetable oil based, food grade defoamer. It is non-ionic and free of preservatives. MAGRABAR® PD-3500 is designed to eliminate foam in protein and carbohydrate media. It is suitable for use in soybean, potato, dairy and other food processing applications. MAGRABAR® PD-3500 contains edible vegetable oil, vegetable based emulsifiers and hydrophobic silica. All of the ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® PD-3500 are either GRAS or are listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. It is suitable for addition to food with no limitations other than Good Manufacturing Practices. MAGRABAR® PD-3500 will effectively control foam in soy and other protein based processes. It performs in a wide range of pH and has excellent foam hold down properties and carry through to downstream processes.
MAGRABAR® PD-3663 is a non-ionic defamer designed to eliminate foam in protein and carbohydrate media. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® PD-3663 are either GRAS or are listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. MAGRABAR® PD-3663 has been approved for use in processing potato products and sugar beets, and for washing egg shells and vegetables by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). MAGRABAR® PD-3663 contains white mineral oil, hydrophobic silica and surfactants listed in the Code of Federal Regulations and it is supplied Certified Kosher and Halal.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® PD-4447 is a 100% active defoamer based on a combination of vegetable oil and polyols that is designed to eliminate foam in a broad range of applications. MAGRABAR® PD-4447 rapidly knocks down existing foam and is persistent in keeping foam levels low throughout the process. MAGRABAR® PD-4447 contains materials listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340-defoaming agents for food processing. MAGRABAR® PD-4447 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® PD-4483 is a 100% active, vegetable oil based, nonionic defoamer designed to eliminate foam in protein and carbohydrate media. It rapidly knocks down existing foam and is persistent in keeping foam down. MAGRABAR® PD-4483 contains vegetable oil, polyol-fatty acid ester, hydrophobic silica and surfactants listed in the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 173.340. MAGRABAR® PD-4483 is a dispersion that may settle on storage. Mix before use. MAGRABAR® PD-4483 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® PD-602 is 100% active antifoam which is effective in a broad range of applications. It complies with the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173-340 – defaming agents for food processing. It is formulated with approved vegetable based surface-active agents, vegetable oils, and hydrophobic silica. MAGRABAR® PD-602 is certified Kosher Pareve and Halal. MAGRABAR® PD-602 should be fed directly to the foaming medium at a point prior to where foam is generated. The optimum use level must be determined experimentally and will vary with the severity of the foaming problem. It is suggested to start with 75 ppm of antifoam and gradually reduce the amount until the minimum effective use level is determined. MAGRABAR® PD-602 has excellent carry through and maintains effectiveness in processes downstream from the application point. MAGRABAR® PD-602 will effectively control foam and increase efficiency in whey evaporators. It promotes wetting of the evaporator surfaces and flow of the concentrated whey as it increases in solids. This results in less fouling, more efficient evaporation, and easier cleaning of evaporator surfaces. MAGRABAR® PD-602 is also useful in many fermentation processes based on carbohydrate or protein feed stocks. It is also effective in the effluents from these processes as well as in clean-in-place applications.
MAGRABAR® PD-650 is a nonionic, non-silicone, food grade defoamer designed to eliminate foam in protein and carbohydrate media. MAGRABAR® PD-650 works well in a wide range of pH and temperatures. MAGRABAR® PD-650 is supplied Certified Kosher and Halal. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® PD-650 are either GRAS or listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340. MAGRABAR® PD-650 is supplied in a ready to use concentration. Dilution with water will increase the viscosity.
MAGRABAR® PD-655 is a nonionic, non-silicone, food grade defamer designed to eliminate foam in protein and carbohydrate media. MAGRABAR® PD-655 works well in a wide range of pH and temperatures. MAGRABAR® PD-655 is supplied Certified Kosher. All ingredients used in the manufacture of MAGRABAR® PD-655 are either GRAS or listed in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340.
America · EMEA
MAGRABAR® PD-920 is a food grade ester derived from vegetable sources, with unique surface-active properties. MAGRABAR® PD-920 is used as an antifoam and de-aerating agent in brewing, syrups, jams and jellies and as an emulsifier for cooking oils, ice cream, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other oil-in-water emulsions. MAGRABAR® PD-920 is certified Kosher Pareve, allergen free, and free from animal derived ingredients. The components of MAGRABAR® PD-920 are compliant with 21 CFR 173.340 Defoaming agents. MAGRABAR® PD-920 may be appropriately used as a food processing aid in the EU, as defined in Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008. PD-920 consists of ingredients that have an E number or are considered a food, and as such may be appropriately used as a food additive, subject to certain use limitations of select components. Additional national regulations may apply.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® SILICONE RELEASE SE-1435N FG is a 35% active silicone emulsion for use as a general-purpose lubricant and release agent. It is certified Kosher Pareve. NSF H1 registered and acceptable as a lubricant with incidental food contact for use in and around food processing areas. NSF 3H registered for use as a release agent on grills, ovens, loaf pans, boning benches, chopping boards, or other hard surfaces in contact with meat and poultry food products to prevent food from adhering during processing. MAGRABAR® SE-1435N FG is a concentrated emulsion. It can be diluted with three parts of water while maintaining its effectiveness. MAGRABAR® SE-1435N FG contains a preservative to inhibit microbial growth. Dilution will reduce the effectivenss of the preservative. Diluted material stored for more than a few days may require additional preservative.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® SILICONE RELEASE AGENT SE-1435N FG RTU is a 15% active silicone emulsion for use as a general-purpose lubricant and release agent. NSF H1 registered and acceptable as a lubricant with incidental food contact for use in and around food processing areas. NSF 3H registered for use as a release agent on grills, ovens, loaf pans, boning benches, chopping boards, or other hard surfaces in contact with meat and poultry food products to prevent food from adhering during processing. Certified Kosher Pareve.
EMEA · America
MAGRABAR® SPI-244 is a vegetable oil emulsion defamer that performs well in protein and carbohydrate process streams. MAGRABAR® SPI-244 complies with the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Section 173.340 Defaming agents. MAGRABAR® SPI-244 acts quickly to knock down foam and should be fed directly to the foaming medium. The optimum use level must be determined experimentally and will vary with the severity of the foaming problem. We suggest starting with 100 ppm of antifoam and gradually reducing the amount until the minimum effective use level is determined.